Bulky Trash

Furniture and appli­ances that are pre­dom­i­nant­ly met­al or rigid plas­tic and are too big for your recy­cling con­tain­er or clear bag (such as wash­ing machines, met­al fil­ing cab­i­nets, water heaters, or plas­tic fur­ni­ture) should be placed beside the recy­cling con­tain­er on the build­ing’s reg­u­lar recy­cling col­lec­tion day.

Before dis­card­ing appli­ances con­tain­ing CFC gas or fre­on (such as refrig­er­a­tors, freez­ers, air con­di­tion­ers, or dehu­mid­i­fiers), you must sched­ule an appoint­ment to place the item at the curb for CFC recov­ery. You can make an appoint­ment  on the Sanitation web­site or call 311.

For safe­ty rea­sons, the law requires doors to be removed from refrig­er­a­tors and freez­ers before plac­ing at the curb.

Non-recy­clable trash that is too big for your garbage con­tain­er or bag (such as mat­tress­es, lum­ber, or debris from small con­struc­tion or gar­den projects) may be placed at the curb on any reg­u­lar garbage col­lec­tion day .

The Department of Sanitation will col­lect up to six bulk items from one address. For more infor­ma­tion, see bulk col­lec­tion on the DSNY website.

There are spe­cial reg­u­la­tions for dis­pos­al of mat­tress­es .