What plastic film and wrap to recycle


Please recy­cle only clean, dry plas­tic bags and film. Remove receipts or any oth­er items from bags.

Examples include:

    • Retail, car­ry­out, pro­duce, news­pa­per, bread, and dry clean­ing bags (clean, dry and free of receipts and clothes hangers)
    • Zip-top food stor­age bags (clean and dry)
    • Plastic ship­ping envelopes (remove labels), bub­ble wrap and air pil­lows (deflate)
    • Product wrap on cas­es of water/soda bot­tles, paper tow­els, nap­kins, dis­pos­able cups, bath­room tis­sue, dia­pers, and female san­i­tary products
    • Furniture and elec­tron­ic wrap
    • Plastic cere­al box lin­ers (but if it tears like paper, do not include)
    • Any film pack­ag­ing or bag that has the How2Recycle Label shown at right

*Not all items are accept­ed at all drop-off loca­tions. Check with your local drop-off to see what is accepted.

Do not include!
    • Degradable/compostable bags or film packaging
    • Pre-washed sal­ad mix bags
    • Frozen food bags
    • Candy bar wrappers
    • Chip bags
    • Six-pack rings